What Importers Need to Know About CBP’s 2021-2026 Strategy

At the start of 2021, CBP released their 2021-2026 strategy for operation that outlined a new mission and vision statement. In essence, the strategy lays out CBP’s commitment to creating a more safe and prosperous nation, and the priorities that will take them there. 


“Protect the American people, safeguard our borders, and enhance the Nation’s economic prosperity.”


“Enhancing the Nation’s security through innovation, intelligence, collaboration, and trust.” 

It is critical that importers have a clear understanding of what CBP’s 2021-2026 strategy is. It will help importers plan for their future and allocate resources appropriately based on what CBP will be focusing on. Moving commercial goods into the US in an efficient and affordable manner is key to the success of importers. Slowdowns, changes in cost, and policy may have a severe impact on importers’ bottom line. As such, staying informed and planning for the future is integral. 

Below, we will cover the foundational priorities and strategic objectives that will shape the next 5 years for CBP – and importers that rely on CBP for smooth, effective customs clearance. As a helpful guide to the release of their strategy, CBP also provided a pyramid of core strategies to outline the areas of focus for the agency going forward. 

cbp 2021

Strategic Objectives for 2021-2025

“Mission” Facilitating trade: Protect the American people and facilitate trade and travel.

This will be done through implementation of various technologies to heighten security and innovate in the area of data management, removing barriers for ecommerce, and improving stakeholder relationships.

“Team” Dynamic workforce: Build a sustainable, capable workforce that is adaptable and

resilient in the face of dynamic challenges.

The focus here will be to hire the most qualified individuals to serve as CBP officers and empower them through strategic partnerships.

“Future” Improve operations:  Improve CBP capability to support operationally focused, threat-based, intelligence and data-driven execution.

CBP will leverage sophisticated data analytics and IT infrastructure to remain at the cutting edge of border patrol technology and intelligence. 

What will be the main priorities for CBP in 2021-2025? 

CBP lists 5 enduring mission priorities that will be the foundation for their vision for the US. Fundamentally, these priorities tie into protection from threats to Americans and the economy. They are as follows…

  • Anticipate, detect, and disrupt threats to security in order to protect Americans and the economy at large.
  • Detect and deter trans-national crime that hinders US security interests at the border and beyond. 
  • Secure border from illegal entry, illicit activity and other threats to national & economic security.
  • Facilitate lawful trade & protect US revenue through competitive and compliant trade. 
  • Enable and enhance the travel experience by protecting from threats or non-compliance at the border. 

In a press release, CBP Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan stated: “Our ability to deliver on our mission depends on our ability to navigate through change in the present, embracing it as we plan for the future while never losing sight of our purpose.”


Importing commercial goods into the US and clearing customs with ease is central to the health and success of businesses serving American markets. In order to do so, it is important that importers work with qualified and informed customs brokers to help them navigate changes to priorities and subsequent regulations. 

To start a conversation with a customs broker today, click here


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