US and Canada strengthen their partnership on green trade, technologies and supply chains

Following a recent meeting between President Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the US and Canadian governments released a joint statement reaffirming their commitment to a mutually beneficial partnership to support green energy trade initiatives.

Highlights include:

  • Introducing enhanced plans to support clean technology manufacturing and adoption.
  • Launching a one-year Energy Transformation Task Force to accelerate cooperation on critical clean energy opportunities and supply chains, including securing and strengthening renewable energy and electric vehicle supply chains, critical minerals and rare earths, grid integration and resilience, and nuclear energy.
  • Working towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by harmonizing charging standards and developing cross-border alternative fuel corridors, and building a network of electrical vehicle fast chargers and community charging options on both sides of the border.
  • Proposing regulations before this fall that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their respective sectors, which builds on commitments to achieve net-zero power grids by 2035
  • Working with other major energy importers and exporters to develop an internationally aligned approach to measurement, monitoring, reporting, and verification for lifecycle methane and CO2 emissions across the fossil energy value chain.
  • Work together to promote North American trade of low-emission goods, including green steel and aluminum
  • Coordinating efforts to develop secure and reliable North American nuclear fuel supply chains and build broader partnerships with allies and partners, which will help to ensure access to low enriched uranium.
  • Strengthening the resilience of critical mineral and semiconductor supply chains and diversifying supply chains that are essential to clean energy, electric vehicles, semiconductors, aerospace, and defense, among other sectors.
  • Continuing to impose economic sanctions on Russia due to the ongoing war against Ukraine.

Read Prime Minister Trudeau and President Biden’s full joint statement here.

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