CBP user fees set to increase on Oct. 1, 2022

U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has announced that it will be adjusting the customs user fees corresponding to the Consolidated Ombinus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) by 18.629% to adjust for inflation.

The fee adjustments were mandated by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act.)

The adjusted fees will be required as of October 1, 2022. They include the following fees as well as their corresponding limitations:

  • commercial vessel arrival fees
  • commercial truck arrival fees
  • railroad car arrival fees
  • private vessel arrival fees
  • private aircraft arrival fees
  • commercial aircraft and vessel passenger arrival fees
  • dutiable mail fees
  • customs broker permit user fees
  • barges and other bulk carriers arrival fees
  • merchandise processing fees

Here is a detailed breakdown of the fees:

  • Commercial Vessel Arrival: $518.41 (annual limitation $7064.34)
  • Barges and Other Bulk Carriers Arrival: $­130.49 (annual limitation $1,779.43)
  • Commercial Truck Arrival: $6.50 (annual limitation $118.63)
  • Rail Car Arrival: $9.79 (annual limitation $118.63)
  • Dutiable Mail Fee: $6.52
  • Commercial Vessel or Aircraft Passenger Arrival: $6.52
  • Commercial Vessel Passenger Arrival Fee (from U.S. territories and possessions): $2.29
  • Customs Broker Permit: $163.71
  • Express Consignment Carrier/Centralized Hub Facility: $1.19 per individual waybill/bill of lading. Minimum fee: $0.42; maximum fee: $1.19
  • Minimum Merchandise Processing Fee $29.66
  • Maximum Merchandise Processing Fee: $575.35
  • Surcharge for Manual Entry or Release: $3.56
  • Informal Entry or Release – Automated (not prepared by CBP personnel): $2.37
  • Informal Entry or Release – Manual, not prepared by CBP personnel): $7.12
  • Informal Entry or Release – Manual, prepared by CBP personnel): $10.68

Each year, the CBP makes a determination on whether it needs to adjust customs COBRA user fees and limitations. The fees and limitations will be adjusted if the consumer price index (CPI) is greater than 1%. The CPI for the previous evaluation period was found to be 6.87%.

You can read the CBP’s full notice here.

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