10 Expert Tips: Effective Customs Compliance & Trade Efficiency

In today’s interconnected global marketplace, businesses who need to navigate their goods through customs must be aware of ever-changing customs regulations, trade policies, and compliance requirements to optimize efficiency and mitigate risks. To help businesses thrive, we’ve curated 10 expert tips from seasoned trade professionals. From active engagement in industry

US Customs Clearance For Automotive Parts

Importing car parts into the USA involves several steps and adherence to regulations set by various federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Transportation (DOT), and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Here’s an overview of the process and when specific forms such as the EPA

Reasons to Conduct an Internal Customs Compliance Audit

Let’s face it: there is no shortage of necessary information that you as a US importer would do well to absorb if you want to be effective and operate without hassle.   A comprehensive internal audit can do wonders to help identify risk areas and lay the groundwork for a

Will Import Taxes Pay for Trump’s Wall?

It’s a fair question, right?   Press Secretary and Communications Director Sean Spicer has said that President Trump plans to collect a 20% tax on all Mexican imports as a way of paying for his proposed wall. White House officials later implied that the tax was just one of several

How Can I Import A Car Into the USA?

Importing a motor vehicle into the USA can be a very daunting and less-than-straightforward process. There are a host of standards put in place by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US Department of Transportation (DOT)/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the US Customs Service, which your vehicle needs